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My Beauty Secrets Revealed + ZA Contest Announcement

We all have our own beauty secrets which are usually passed down from generation to generation, you know those dadi ke nuskhe that always work wonders. I have been blessed with good skin but I think majority of the credit goes to my mom for always making sure I take good care of it. So. today I decided to share some of my beauty secrets which I swear by and trust me they do work. Most of them have been introduced to me by mom or my grandmother and don’t forget to share yours in the comments below.

Best Homemade & Natural Tips For Fairer Skin & Lightening Dark Spots

  • Drinking a minimum of 2lts of water. I know this is probably the most cliched tip but drinking water is the easiest way to get a clear and glowing skin! I usually drink atleast 3 lts of water in a day which has kept all the zits and breakouts at bay! Also, when I say water I do not mean liquids! Juices, ice tea, green tea does not count and I always find it easier to drink water if I keep a water bottle with me at all times.
  • Applying raw milk mixed with honey on your face leads to a clearer more glowing skin. This is something I absolutely detested while growing up as I cannot stand the smell of milk but after experiencing the results I learnt to deal with it. Apply it for 3-4 minutes and wash it off. Do this daily for atleast a month and you will notice the dark spots getting lighter.
  • Lemon juice with a tsp of honey is the best way to remove tan. Until last year I was very lazy about applying sunscreen so I ended up tanning alot. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent while honey is renowned for its renewing properties and this method is the best natural remedy for lightening the tan and you will notice good results.
  • Using orange peel scrub few times a week also helps in reducing dark spots.To make this gentle scrub, just dry orange peel in the sun, finely grind it and store it in an airtight container. Mix this with 1 tsp of yoghurt, scrub away and say hello to clear glowing skin : D ok that almost sounded like a bad commercial.

ZA Contest India

So these were a few of my beauty secrets that I religiously follow. I’d love it if you girls give it a try and do let me know how it worked for you.
I’d also like to know what are the beauty secrets that you swear by and 10 lucky girls will get the chance to try out ZA True White products! Isn’t that great? All you need to do is comment with your beauty secrets and subscribe to our email updates here.

Lisha B.

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  • Hey Lisha !

    Thank you so much for such an amazing post. I know this is the most common topic to discuss but still most of us dont follow it religiously ! So its a g8 way to learn new stuff !!

    I loved all ur Secrets which u mentioned above and actually when I used to read ur blog, I always have this question in mind " Whats Ur #Secret behind ur Beauty" ? Tada here we go ;)

    Now my #SecretBeauty or my Beauty Secrets are :

    1. YES YES YES ! Water ! Drinking Water is the most important advice which my Mom still gives to me and she makes sure I always sit or go with a bottle of water in my hand ! :D

    2. I love drinking Lukewarm water + Honey + Lemon Juice in the morning. It acts as an Anti Oxidant and hence makes my skin looks clear and supple !

    3. I use Organic and Herbal Products! Try to stick to No Paraben Products or less chemical base products.

    4. Yoga and Exercise. I believe the best way to keep ur skin clean is to sweat :P & also I love dancing !

    Thank you for this #Giveaway and OMG ! Za Products are just to die for ! Really wanna win :D "Fingers Crossed"
    Subscribed ur Blog and Following u everywhere :)

    Cheers & Hugs
    Divya Gattani

    Email id :
    Twitter : @divyaszaika
    Facebook : Divya Gattani

    • Hey Lisha this is shivangi I really want to thank you for these tips I believe most of us girls some secret beauty tips below are mine

      • Those are some great tips. Thank you for sharing them Shivangi. Good luck :)

    • I loved going through ur tips. Totally agree with #4. You need to stay active for a glowing skin!
      Good luck :)

      • Thanks a Bunch ! Glad that u like them ! yes Tip #4 Works wonders :)

        Thanks dear :)

  • hey lisha just wanted to ask dat will all these stuffs work well for sensitive combination/oily skinned teenage girls like me who have a terrible acne prone skin?

  • Wow these are some wonderful tips Lisha. And here I share my own #SecretBeauty :
    1. Mixing some moisturizer with foundation for a lovely glow
    2. Rubbing some sugar mixed with almond oil on dry areas of your body for smoothness
    3. Cleansing makeup with baby oil
    4. Cleaning face with raw milk to get rid of tanning
    My email id is

  • Great tips Lisha! Tried and Tested by our Mother's and Grand Mothers and passed down the Generations :)

    My own #SecretBeauty tips are Simple, no fuss things but help me take care of my skin with ease at most times.

    1. True, Water is a Staple for a Healthy and Glowing Complexion and Flushes out Toxins from our system. So I try to Gulp down as much as possible.
    2. Eat well, yes it shows on face out. An overdose of Sugar gives me a Pimple to remember!
    3. I mix Besan and Raw milk to get that Gorgeous Glow. Working great for my skin since I have been in College.
    4. A good Sleep does Wonders trust me! Not without a reason do they say 'Eight Hours of Beauty Sleep' Love waking up to a calm and relaxed face.
    5. Since I have Oily skin, I always wash my face with Cold Water or dab an Ice Cube before I apply anything else. Helps my make up stay put.
    6. Exfoliate and using a Fruit Mask. My tried and tested, brightens up tired and dull skin in matter of minutes!
    7. And, I never go to bed with any traces of make up on. Never Ever. Letting my Skin breathe is a best way to keep it happy :)
    Subscribed to the Email updates by the id:
    Shall be great scrolling down the comments to pick a trick or two from other readers.!

  • Hi Lisha !!!!

    Thanku for the awesome giveaway and for sharing ur beauty secrets....definitely wanna try ur beauty secrets bczzzz u r too too beautiful...sacchi :)

    here is my #Secretbeauty -

    1. Rubbing a raw potato on face to removes marks and pigments. it also helps to reduce my dark circle.

    2. I always apply Sunscreen lotion when go outside it protect my skin from sun.....I wear it every day, even if it's not sunny and even if it's cold. The
    sun's rays can reflect off water, sand, and snow. Reapply every two

    3.Mix gram flour and warm honey.I Apply this paste regularly to my face for 20 mins. Wash it off, thoroughly with cold water.

    4.A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. I always Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins And get plenty of sleep for good health and to avoid dark circles, fine lines, dull skin, and other side effects of bad rest.

    5. Last but not the least offcourse water.....I drink minimum 8 glasses of water daily, it helps to keep my skin healthy n shiny :)

    Such a awesome giveaway n really wanna win this bcz my birthday is coming so this would be the best gift for me ever....Fingers Tightly Crossed (^_^)

    My Email Id-
    Twitter handle- kirtibasal
    Facebook Name- Rangoli Basal

  • Hi dear,

    Sharing you my #SecretBeauty are:

    1) I use mild soap like Dove to wash my face while bathing.

    2) After coming back home first thing i do is cleaning my face with face wash to get rid off all the dirt and pollution on my face.

    3) I use sunscreen even if i m it repairs the skin too with protection.

    4) I rub fruit directly on my face specially papaiya and orange. They do some magic to skin.

    5) I take spoon full of honey with 1-2 drops of lemon and put on my face..leave it open for 15 min and wash it with water

    6) I take half bowl of besan + 1 tb of turmeric + 1 tea spoon of almond oil + milk to make a paste (this is killer tip of skin).

    7) I use sometimes potato to get rid of tan.

    8) sometimes use malai as moisturizer.

    9) I use aloe vera gel once a day for glow and moisturizer

    10) I drink lot of water and take turmeric with little warm milk .... it takes care of skin from inside.

    11) If there are marks of wounds or scars then Boro Plus is my is so easy to get rid of the most oldest marks too. It is must have.

    12) I never forget to get take off makeup before going to sleep no matter how tired i am.

    13)Yoga and specially anulom-vilom helps circulate oxygen to face.

    14) I go for facial once a month.

    Ankita Patel
    E-mail id :
    Twitter id: anki_Patel86

  • I think all y beauty secrets are DIYs with besan flour. If I want to remove the tan, I use sour curd with besan flour.
    Besan flour with turmeric powder makes a great face mask and a scrub.
    Besan flour with milk makes for a moisturizing face ask and scrub
    So besan flour is definitely the secret to my soft skin, and probably the reason I look younger than my age.

    • If besan is the secret behind your glowing complexion then I am trying it out STAT!
      Thank you for sharing ur tips. Good luck!

  • Hi Lisha, my beauty secrets are a lot to do with besan but most of the girls have given it below so I'll share 3 others.

    1. Lemon juice and sugar mixed together is a great scrub for the lips.
    2. Coffee powder and honey mixed together and applied all over the body. Once it dries wash it off. Ul get glowing, freshly scrubbed skin :)
    3. To minimize appearance of pores, mix honey and brown sugar in equal quantities and add few drops of lemon. Gently scrub your face with this :)

  • I also use orange peel scrub and it removes my tan instantly... and na it was not a bad commercial :P
    other than that, i believe that CTM is the best way to get clear glowing skin.
    i use raw milk to cleanse my face, it is chemical free and deep cleanses my pores completely.
    Then for toning, i use rose water. :) and end my ctm with my favorite moisturiser,

    I also use rice flour+lemon face scrub once a week to exfoliate dead skin. Rice flour removes tan effectively and clears complexion with each passing day., :)

    I also use besan to wash my face.. i just store some besan+pinch of turmeric in a bottle and keep it my bathroom. This is the first thing which touches my face in the moring, if i have time i let it stay for 10 minutes or else just wash off immediately. i have seen good resulats :)

  • Hi Lisha,
    Raw milk and honey combo always works for a clearer skin...even I use it...
    My beauty secrets include just 2 humble products which are available easily at home..the first one is TULSI - I use it for curing my acne and it WOrks.. simply make a paste out of fresh tulsi leaves + raw milk and apply the paste on face for 15 mins 3 times a week and see the change in 15 days..The other one is MINT..I make a thick paste of mint leaves and fresh rose water and use it as a pack for a brighter complexion..

    already sub(ed) to the emails!!

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