Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi Electronic Foot File Review, Price & Buy India

Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi Electronic Foot File Review, Price & Buy India: DIY Pedicure At Home!

Scholl is a leading footwear & foot care brand all over the world & I have sworn by their Foot & Nail cream since years! Recently, they launched the Velvet Smooth Express Pedi Electronic Nail File which is the perfect tool for the woman on the go with less time to spare for herself. Feet have always been a negligent part of the body for many women but personally I tend to take better care of my feet than even my hands so anything to make it easier and less time consuming is always welcome.

Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi Electronic Foot File Review, Price & Buy India

Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi Electronic Foot File Review, Price & Buy India

Price: Rs 2850
Can be bought online at Flipkart & Amazon

Product Description

  • Ergonomically shaped soft touch handle
  • Specially designed Micralumina replaceable head
  • Gentle and effective rotating action
  • Battery operated
  • Ready to use
Scholl Express Pedi Electronic Foot File Review & Price India

Scholl Express Pedi Electronic Foot File Review & Price India

I was provided with the media kit, and the Scholl Express Pedi File came in a peppy yellow box with the most adorable pen drive which actually looks just like the electronic foot file. It also came with my favorite foot cream. The actual product is packed in a thick plastic cover which will require quite a bit of effort to open. The instructions on how to use the device are clearly mentioned on the pack.

DIY Pedicure at home with Scholl Express Pedi Electronic Foot File & Foot & Nail Cream

DIY Pedicure at home with Scholl Express Pedi Electronic Foot File & Foot & Nail Cream

The Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi is an electronic hand held device which comes with a alumina roller which basically has abrasive particles that file away dead skin & calluses. It needs 2 AA batteries to operate which are already inserted in the device. The usage is pretty easy, all you need to do is rotate the silver band from I to O & the roller will start working.

Scholl Express Pedi Electronic Foot Filer Review & Price India

Scholl Express Pedi Electronic Foot Filer Review & Price India

How to use the Scholl Express Pedi Electronic File

1) Make sure the batteries are inserted and remove the red safety lock from the device. Rotate the silver barrel from I to 0 to turn on the electronic foot filer

2) Aply gentle to medium pressure on the soles of your feet to remove hard skin. Make sure you avoid the toes since when I tried it, the filer almost ended up grinding my toe nails 😮 luckily it stopped instantly 😀

3) If you use hard pressure, the device will automatically stop. You can weaken the calluses and hard skin by soaking your feet first but make sure you should completely dry it with a towel as the Scholl Express Pedi does not work on wet feet. After you’re done, just apply a hydrating foot cream and lock in the moisture by wearing socks.

How to use the Scholl Express Pedi Electronic Foot Filer

How to use the Scholl Express Pedi Electronic Foot Filer

I’ve used this quite a few times in the past 1 month. It has greatly reduced the time wasted spent at the parlous for getting a pedicure, plus you never know about the hygiene of the tools. I’ve been really busy with work lately plus no denying the fact that I’m an absolute lazy bum so I totally skipped my pedicures this winters. Don’t judge man, its been too cold too!

Scholl Electronic Foot File Velvet Smooth Review

Scholl Electronic Foot File Velvet Smooth Review

The result is instantly noticeable and the feet feel much softer, less rougher and more attractive, dare I say! This is a boon for working women and busy moms who cannot take out some “me time” due to their hectic schedule. I’ve only had the device for a month so can’t comment on how long the roller will last but it can be easily replaced with a roller replacement. You get a pack of 2 at Rs 899.

Scholl Express Pedi Roller Review, Price & Buy Online India

Scholl Express Pedi Roller Review, Price & Buy Online India

Overall, I found this ingenious device sturdy, convenient to use and very efficient. It feels a bit ticklish initially but you get used to the sensation. Yes at Rs 2850, it is extremely expensive and that for me is the biggest con. Its probably something you can live without, you know? But on the other hand if you calculate the amount you’ll save on your parlour trips every year, the investment seems worth it.

HBM Rating
4.0 / 5(Reviewed by Lisha B.)Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi Electronic Foot File Review, Price & Buy India

HBM Recommendation: Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi Electronic Foot File is the perfect solution for a busy woman or a guy who is looking for a quick pampering session in the comfort of the house. It efficiently removes hard & rough skin, calluses and the feet feels smooth & soft to touch instantly. Definitely an indulgence considering the price and maybe you can buy this as a gift for yourself for a special occasion 😉


 *PR Sample. However, my opinion is honest an unbiased.