Soul Sundays: HBM 911 Vol 2.0
HBM 911: Agony Aunts – Tips on how to deal with a friend who is PMS-ing & Should a cheating boyfriend be given a second chance?
Hi Girlies,
Its that time of the week again. The time we get to play agony aunts and unravel some problems of your life. Let me not waste time boring you, ok fine fact is I just need to type this real quick so that I can go hit the bed and wake before 10 12 for some Sunday shopping 😀 Otherwise you all know I wouldn’t let go of an opportunity to blabber on and bore you guys :p Moving on to the issues we got this week…
Hi, My best friend was telling me about ur new feature & I thought I’ll ask you girls to help me out. My bestie keeps throwing tantrums everytime she is PMS-ing and picks up meaningless fights. I feel like she almost uses PMS as an excuse to get her way, act like a bitch and be plain annoying. To be honest PMS seems like alot of bull and I need to know how to handle her during that time of the month – An Irritated Bestie
Hi Irritated Bestie,
First of all, you should totally stop complaining about PMS making matters worse for YOU because you don’t go through it. Duh!
Secondly, it is extremely crazy being a PMSing woman and NO, it’s not an excuse. PMS does actually exist. It’s the hormones driving us insane and yes that does result in us driving other people insane. That’s the price you gotta pay for us being fertile :p
Irritability, hunger, cravings, mood swings are all part of the package.
What you have to do to make things easy for both you and her- shove chocolates into her mouth instead of whining about it. I’m sure everyone has heard about the analogy between a best friend and a good bra. So be supportive, uplifting and comfortable for her, just like one.
You cannot even begin to imagine the havoc PMS plays with a woman’s body and we totally get that. But then to put yourself into our shoes, imagine popping your fave game into the console and it not playing because your dog scratched it. Do you feel it now? Oh yeah, that’s how we feel.
Take the bitchiness, it just happens once a month and stop acting like an insensitive fool.
I recently came to know that my boyfriend of 6 months cheated on me with a friend. We clicked really well and I felt he was the ONE. He says he will do anything to win back my trust and I really do love him. Do you think I should give him another chance? – Sia
Awww you poor little thing. Being cheated on by your bf is like the worst thing that could ever happen and could bring your world crashing down.
Its obvious that your guy is a playboy and being with you doesnt mean anything to him at all…or he is a guy who cannot commit and a coward like that doesnt need a girl like you. A guy who hits on another girl forget a friend is the world’s biggest loser. Didn’t he realize that girls talk and you would probably know about it anyway. Gah!
If he has cheated on you once, it means that he would do it again given a chance and probably would hit on anything in a skirt.
Send him packing, find yourself a hot rebound and live life to the fullest. You will definitely find a guy who would love you :*